WhatsApp Template for Clarion


          WhatsApp Template, have two version, one to use through our API and the other using an AppHelper, to connect with WhatsApp, always using a mobile with internet connection and turn on.



1.    For use with AppHelper:

a.    StringTheory                (CapeSoft)

b.    UltimateDebug            (ClarionLive Utilities) Free https://www.mediafire.com/file/gn86vyyho5fyv30/ClarionLiveUtilities.exe/file

2.    For use with Api Version:

a.    StringTheory     (CapeSoft)

b.    NetTalk             (CapeSoft)



1.     Run the SetupeAJEWhatsApp.exe installer.

2.     Once finished, the Template will be registered in Clarion and be ready to use.



Examples (\Accessory\DeveloperTeam\AJEWhatsApp\Examples)

3.     FullExample: in this folder you have 2 examples;

a.     TestWhatsApp.app, to use with AppHelper;

b.    TestWhatsAppApi.app to send messages directly using our Api;


AppHelpers (\Accessory\DeveloperTeam\AJEWhatsApp\)

1.     AppHelper TPS Version (Send and receive messages and files attached);

2.     AppHelper SQL Version (Send and receive messages and files attached);




Starting with the first Test using AppHelper


1.     Open the TestWhatsApp.app;

2.     Go to Global Extension;

3.     Select AJE: WhatsApp and press Properties button;


4.     Go to License and fill with your credentials;

5.     Go to the Main procedure, and change in the variable Loc:SenderPhone for your number registered in our platform.

6.     Compile your application;

7.     IMPORTANT: Check in your subfolder \AppHelperTps, the file AJEWhatsApp.INI, it must contain the follow:

if this does not exist, please add it manually with your credentials.

8.     Run the \AppHelper\AJEWhatsApp.exe; (it will be in the tray bar)


10.  If you see the green image, it is a good signal…so it is connected.

11.  In User, you will see all the lines that you have available;



13.  So, in this window, you need to indicate which line(s) you want to synchronize with the server, for it, make double click in the sync cell and enable or disable.


14.  In Options, you can select from which date you want to download information from the server, and if you want to download the attached files.

15.  Run your TestWhatsApp.exe;

Starting with the first Test using Api Version


1.     Do steps 1 to 6 of the above mentioned example;

2.     Run your TestWhatsAppApi.exe;


Vinculate with WhatsApp


1.     Enter to whatsappservices.developerteam.com.ar;

2.     Enter your credentials for the platform;
